Statement of Faith
What we do in ministry flows from one place: God’s Word. It’s in the
Scriptures that we take our philosophy for life and ministry. Below
are the beliefs that we hold most dear, the things that shape who
we are as a ministry. It’s these beliefs that lead to our core principles;
the bedrock of what The Mailbox Club truly is.
We believe in…
The scriptures, Old and New Testament, fully inspired of God, inerrant in the original writings, the supreme authority.
One holy, and almighty God, eternally existent in three coequal Persons- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The fall of man and his consequent moral depravity.
Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God and Son of Man, virgin born, Himself very God, and His death on the Cross of Calvary as the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
The bodily resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.
Salvation by grace, a free gift of God, through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
The imminent, personal return of Jesus Christ.
The resurrection of the dead, the believer to life everlasting and the unbeliever to eternal condemnation.
The reality and personality of Satan.
The lost condition of all people, and therefore our solemn responsibility to preach the Gospel to every creature.
A practical, separated Christian walk, in an overcoming, victorious life, provided on a basis of faith in Christ’s redemptive work.
The Church, consisting of all born again believers, the Body and Bride of Christ, represented in local congregations.
Centrality of Jesus Christ and His Word
a. In our Bible lessons
b. In our work
c. In our personal lives
2 Cor 4:5
Dependency on God
a. Pray
b. Rely on the Holy Spirit
John 15: 1-5
Phil 4:13
Give God ALL the Glory
a. Because we seek excellence in all we do
b. Persue innovative ideas
Isaiah 42:8
Unity Factor
a. Psalm 133
b. Ephesians 4: 1-3 – “Why Not Us”
c. Phil 2: 5-7 – Like minded with Christ
d. Matt 18 – How to relate to others
Have a Calling for Children
a. Gal 1: 1-3
b. Mark 10: 13-16
c. Matt 18: 1-11
Exhibit Servant Leadership
a. First and foremost be a slave/bondservant of Christ (Doulos)
b. Have no rights except as given to us by Jesus Christ
c. John 13
d. Phil 2: 5-7 “Let this mind be in you”